About Us
Our Vision
Truthful journalism shouldn’t be sought for.
— It should be everyplace.
Stories need to be told the way they occur, and not as determined by a few. No Monkey Tales seeks to correct this with Effortlessly Truthful stories.
Convinced that Africa needed a new storyteller, I stepped up into that role. - Samuel Edward Koranteng
Despite the fact that editorials are subjective takes on a matter, truth is apparent when happenings are communicated as they occur(ed), in a voice that is without prejudice—this is our goal. However, for what it's worth, and because media consumers just like us, have become accustomed to the ideal of objectivity in news, we're required to state that “all opinions shared will forever remain ours”.
Our History
NoMonkeyTales has come a long way.
The domain [nomonkeytales.com] has seen such an evolution:
- Foremost news Editorial (2022+)
- Sales page for hand-drawn illustration (2021-2022)
- Blog for funny stories (2018-2019)
Our Team
- Editor, NoMonkeytales - Samuel Edward Koranteng
- Contributor - Nathanael Ameyaw Koranteng
Solutions Journalism
When I begun NoMonkeyTales, it was to tell stories in a new way. To switch off the doom and despair we had paralleled news media to be, and offer a voice of hope, truth and "solutions"... I imagined that I had pioneered something revolutionary. Yet discovering that Solutions Journalism already existed, had structures, and a movement to boost, introduced a greater sense of purpose to what I wanted to do.
That's what this means to me; a new voice of hope, of truth, of accuracy in journalism to the everyday African. Editorials that are more than opinions.
- A solutions story focuses on a RESPONSE to a social problem — and how that response has worked or why it hasn’t.
- The best solutions reporting distills the lessons that makes the response relevant and accessible to others. In other words, it offers INSIGHT.
- Solutions journalism looks for EVIDENCE — data or qualitative results that show effectiveness (or lack thereof). Solutions stories are up front with audiences about that evidence — what it tells us and what it doesn’t. A particularly innovative response can be a good story even without much evidence — but the reporter has to be transparent about the lack, and about why the response is newsworthy anyway.
- Solutions stories reveal a response’s shortcomings. No response is perfect, and some work well for one community but may fail in others. A responsible reporter covers what doesn’t work about it, and places the response in context. Reporting on LIMITATIONS, in other words, is essential.